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Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (Introduction)


Level: 1
Subject area: Engineering, Automotive & Marine
Awarding body: City & Guilds
Qualification: Award, City & Guilds
Course type: Part-time
Time of Day: Evening
Duration: 17 weeks
When you'll study: Various days, 6.00pm - 9.00pm

This City and Guilds qualification in Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG Welding) is also sometimes known as Gas Tungsten Inert Arc Welding (GTAW). This TIG welding course at City College Plymouth is largely of a practical nature with a small element of theory. It is designed to give you the practical skills for welding specific joints and the knowledge to understand welding safety, machinery set-up and welding terminology.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (Introduction)
25/02/202504/07/20250£350.00[Read More]

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